Test ID: TSH CPT code: 84443 LOINC: 11579-0 Specimen Type: SST Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT


Test ID: TROP CPT code: 84484 LOINC: 10839-9 Specimen Type: Plasma Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT <24 hrs Instructions: >0.3mL plasma from PST tube. Alt/ Serum from SST tube. Text: Troponin is the cardiac marker of choice for the evaluation of patients with...

Toxoplasma Antibody, IgG

Test ID: QG049 CPT code: 86777 LOINC: SEE COMPONENTS IN THE COMMENT SECTION Specimen Type: gel clot Frequency: Mon-Sat; analytic time 2 days Instructions: 0.5 serum from SST. Refrigerate. Separate serum from cells ASAP or within2 hours of collection. Text: If...

Toxoplasma Antibodies, IgG & IgM

Test ID: QG048 CPT code: 86777, 86778 LOINC: SEE COMPONENTS IN COMMENTS Specimen Type: SERUM Frequency: Mon-Sat; analytic time 2 days Instructions: 1.0 mL serum from SST, frozen. Minimum 0.5 mL. Text: Initial testing for identifying visceral T. gondii infection. If...