Arginine Vasopressin

Test ID: Z0595 CPT code: 84588 LOINC: 3126-0 Specimen Type: EDTA Frequency: Setup: Wed; analytic time 3 days Instructions: Patient to fast and thirst 6 hours. 2.0mL platelet poor plasma from lavender tube, frozen in plastic vial. Min 1.2mL. Text: Useful For: Diagnosis...

Arsenic Fractionation, Random Urine

Test ID: ZG847 CPT code: 82175 LOINC: Specimen Type: Random Urine Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; analytic time 2 days Instructions: 5mL random urine in clean, plastic aliquot container with no metal cap or glued insert. No seafood 48 hrs prior. Refrigerate. Text: Useful...

Arthritis Panel 1

Test ID: ARTPA CPT code: LOINC: Specimen Type: Frequency: Instructions: Panel includes rheumatoid factor, uric acid, sedimentation rate, and ANA screen. Text: Components: RF Rheumatoid Factor; URIC Uric Acid; ESR Sedimentation Rate; ANASC ANA Screen. Methodology: See...

Anti-A Titer

Test ID: ATTER CPT code: 86886, 86975 LOINC: Specimen Type: Red nongel Frequency: Setup: Batched; TAT 30 days Instructions: 10cc red top, non gel. Not done stat. Text: Used mainly on potential kidney transplant recipients who are type O or B, and whose potential donor...

Antibody ID

Test ID: ABID CPT code: 86870 LOINC: 888-8 Specimen Type: EDTA whole blood Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT