Test ID: PTPTT CPT code: 85610+85730 LOINC: Specimen Type: Blue Citrate Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT

PTT Mixing Study

Test ID: PTTMX CPT code: 85732 LOINC: 5946-9 Specimen Type: Citrate Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; TAT 1-3 days Instructions: Full 3.2% sodium citrate tube (Blue). If not analyzed within 4 hrs, spin 15min at 1500xg, separate plasma into 2 1.0ml aliquots, freeze at -20....


Test ID: PTT CPT code: 85730 LOINC: 14979-9 Specimen Type: Citrate Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT

Quant Tissue Culture and smear

Test ID: CGTQS CPT code: LOINC: Specimen Type: Frequency: Setup: Daily; Prelim 24 hrs/final 4 days Instructions: Submit tissue specimen in sterile container. Text: Reported as CFU/gram; ID/susceptibility of significant isolates. Methodology: Convential...