by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: ZH117 Component(s): Z6623 Source, Z6624 Adenosine Deaminase, Pleural LOINC: 35704-6 CPT code: 84311 LOINC: Specimen Type: Sterile Container Frequency: Instructions: 0.5 mL pleural fluid, Frozen. Min 0.2mL Text: Use to evaluate tuberculous pleuritis....
by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: ZG735 Component(s): Z4254 Adenovirus qPCR (Plasma) LOINC: 49334-6, Z4253 Source CPT code: 87799 LOINC: Specimen Type: Lav (EDTA) or yellow-top (ACD) Frequency: 4 – 7 days Instructions: 2 mL Whole Blood from Lav (EDTA) tube or yellow-top (ACD) tube,...
by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: Q0017 CPT code: 87798 LOINC: 39528-5 Specimen Type: BAL, resp spec, swab Frequency: Mon, Wed, Fri; analysis time 4 days Instructions: Mini-Flocked swab in universal Transport Media (UTM) preferred. Refrigerate swabs. Also accepted: 3mL (1mL min.) BAL or NP...
by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: CXFLD CPT code: 87070 LOINC: 610-6 Specimen Type: Fluid, specify source Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT 1-4 days Instructions: Aspirate with needle and syringe. Transfer to sterile screw-cap container and ship on cold pack or leave in syringe with dead end cap....
by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: CXFLG CPT code: LOINC: Specimen Type: Fluid, specify source Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT 1-4 days Instructions: Aspirate with needle and syringe. Transfer to sterile screw-cap container and ship on cold pack or leave in syringe with dead end cap. Text: Study...
by rsmadmin | Apr 6, 2021 | Test, A
Test ID: CXTIS CPT code: 87070 LOINC: 627-0 Specimen Type: Tissue Frequency: Setup: Daily, Final 4 days Instructions: Submit in a small amount of sterile saline to prevent drying. Text: ID and susceptibility of all significant isolates. Methodology: Conventional...
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