Acid Phos Stn Tartrate

Test ID: ACP/T CPT code: 88319 LOINC: Specimen Type: WHOLE BLOOD OR BONE MARROW SMEARS Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; TAT 1-3 days Instructions: Lavender or green top (1mL whole blood). Alt/ Bone Marrow Smears. Text: Performed at VCHSF Methodology: STAIN/MICROSCOPIC...

Acid Phosphatase Stain

Test ID: ACPST CPT code: 88319 LOINC: 21391-8 Specimen Type: Heparin, EDTA or Bone Marrow Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; TAT: 1-3 DAYS Instructions: 1mL whole blood from lavender or green top tube. Alt/Bone Marrow smear. Text: Cytochemically evaluate neoplasms and...


Test ID: Q0016 CPT code: 82024 LOINC: 2141-0 Specimen Type: EDTA LAV Frequency: Mon, Wed, Fri; analytic time 4 days Instructions: 1.5mL plasma (0.3mL min.), collect in a chilled EDTA (LAV) tube, separateplasma from cells ASAP and freeze immediately. Text: Useful for...

Activated Protein C Resistance V

Test ID: ZG160 Component(s): Z0707 Activated Protein C Resistance LOINC: 13590-5 CPT code: 85307 LOINC: Specimen Type: Blue (sodium citrate) Frequency: 2 – 3 days Instructions: 1 mL Plasma from Blue-top (sodium citrate), FRZ, PLT poor Text: Screening test for...

Acylcarnitines, Quant, Plasma

Test ID: ZG310 CPT code: 82017 LOINC: Specimen Type: Green-top (sodium heparin) tube Frequency: 3 – 7 days Instructions: 0.5 mL Plasma from Green-top (sodium heparin) tube, Frozen. Min 0.1 mL. Text: Used in the diagnosis and monitoring of inherited disorders of...

Adalimumab and Anti-Adalimumab Ab

Test ID: ZH106 Component(s): Z6599 Adalimumab Drug Level LOINC: 74117-3, Z6600 Anti-Adalimumab Antibody LOINC: 74116-5 CPT code: 80145, 82397 LOINC: Specimen Type: Red or SST Frequency: 6 – 10 days Instructions: 2 mL Serum from Red or SST, Frozen, Separate...