Test ID: HCT CPT code: 85014 LOINC: 4544-3 Specimen Type: EDTA whole blood Frequency: Setup: daily; TAT

HCG Quantitative

Test ID: HCGQ CPT code: 84702 LOINC: 21198-7 Specimen Type: SERUM Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT 1-2 days Instructions: 2.0 mL serum from Red or SST, refrigerated. Min 1.0 mL Text: Useful for diagnosis of pregnancy, investigation of suspected ectopic pregnancy and...


Test ID: HAPT CPT code: 83010 LOINC: 4542-7 Specimen Type: SST Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; Tat 1-3 days Instructions: 1.0mL serum from SST. Centrifuge as soon as clotted. Fasting specimen preferred. Alt/ plasma from green top tube. Text: Haptoglobin testing is used...

Hantavirus Antibodies (IgG, IgM)

Test ID: ZG570 Component(s): Z2972 Hantavirus Ab (IgG), Z2973 Hantavirus Ab (IgM) CPT code: 86790X2 LOINC: Specimen Type: Red or SST Frequency:  Instructions: 0.5 mL Serum from Red or SST, Refrigerated. Min 0.1 mL. Text: Two groups of hantaviruses are recognized based...

H.Pylori C Urea Breath (Not available)

Test ID: ZH379 CPT code: 83013 LOINC:  Specimen Type: Blue sample bag “baseline” and gray sample bag “postdose” Frequency: 1 – 4 days Instructions: One pre and one postingestion breath sample. Blue sample bag “baseline” and...

H influenzae B IgG

Test ID: Z0821 CPT code: 86317 LOINC: 11257-3 Specimen Type: SST or red Frequency: 2 – 4 days Instructions: 1 mL Serum from Red or SST, Refrigerated. Min 0.5 mL. Text: This assay is for the in vitro measurement of specific IgG antibodies against Haemophilus...