Multiple Sclerosis Profile

Test ID: ZH325 CPT code: 83521 LOINC: Specimen Type: CSF and Serum Frequency: 3 – 6 days Instructions: 2 mL serum from SST AND 1.5 mL CSF COLLECTED AT THE SAME TIME , Ambient. Min 0.8 mL serum AND 0.6 mL CSF Text: Adjunct in aiding clinical diagnosis of multiple...

Myositis Antibody Panel

Test ID: ZG323 CPT code: 86235X7, 83516X10 LOINC: Specimen Type: Red or SST Frequency: 10 – 12 days Instructions: 5 mL Serum from Red or SST, Refrigerated. Min 4 mL. Text: The MyoMarker 3 Plus Profile can be used to assist in the diagnosis of dermatomyositis,...

FBN1: Marfan Syndrome

Test ID: ZH355 CPT code:  81408 LOINC: Specimen Type: Yellow-top (ACD) tube OR Lav (EDTA) tube Frequency: 35 – 56 days Instructions: 10 mL Whole Blood from Yellow-top (ACD) tube OR Lav (EDTA) tube, Ambient. Min 3 mL. Text: Confirm a clinical diagnosis of MFS;...

Magnesium, Fecal

Test ID: ZH417 CPT code: 83735 LOINC: Specimen Type: Stool container – 24 hour or random stool Frequency: 21 – 44 days Instruction: 5 g Stool. Must be liquid. Do not use saline or water to liquify sample. Refrigerate. Min 1 g. Text: Methodology:...

Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL)

Test ID: Z0964 CPT code: 83520 LOINC: 30152-3 Specimen Type: SST is preferred. Red top tube is acceptable. Frequency: 5 – 7 days Instructions: 0.5 mL Serum from SST is preferred. Red top tube is acceptable., Ambient. Min 0.1 mL. Text: The determination of MBL...

Myoglobin, Urine

Test ID: ZG094 CPT code: 83874 LOINC: Specimen Type: Plastic urine container, no preservative Frequency: 3 – 4 days Instructions: 10 mL Urine from Plastic urine container, no preservative, Frozen. Min 1.0 mL. Text: Myoglobin is filtered from the blood by the...