Test ID: Z1546 CPT code: 83880 LOINC: 33762-6 Specimen Type: SST (preferred) or Red Frequency: 1 – 2 days Instructions: 1 mL Serum from SST (preferred) or Red, Frozen. Min 0.7. Text: Used as an aid in the diagnosis of individuals suspected of having congestive...

Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Amplified NA

Test ID: NGDNA CPT code: 87591 LOINC: 47387-6 Specimen Type: Gen-Probe Aptima coll. kit. Room Temp or refrig. Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; TAT 1-3 days Instructions: Gen-Probe Aptima Orange tube for vaginal, rectal and throat. White tube for endocervical/male urethral...

Neuron Specific Enolase CSF

Test ID: Z1791 CPT code: 86316 LOINC: 47053-4 Specimen Type: CSF Frequency: 3 – 11 days Instructions: 0.5 mL CSF, Frozen, Separate within 1 hour. Min 0.5 mL. Text: Use to detect neuron specific enolase, which may be a nonspecific marker of neuronal damage....

Newborn ABORH

Test ID: NABO1 CPT code: 86900 LOINC: 19057-9 Specimen Type: Frequency: Setup: Daily; TAT

Nicotine and Metabolites Confirm, Urine

Test ID: ZG809 Component(s): Z4864 Nicotine LOINC: 3854-7, Z4865 Cotinine LOINC: 10366-3 CPT code: 80323 LOINC: Specimen Type: Urine container, no preservatives Frequency: 4 – 8 days Wednesday and Friday. Instructions: 1 mL Urine from Urine container, no...

Nicotine and Metabolites, Serum

Test ID: ZG165 Component(s): Z0759 Nicotine LOINC: 3853-9, Z0760 Cotinine LOINC: 10365-5 CPT code: 80323 LOINC: Specimen Type: Lav (EDTA), green-top (heparin) OR Red Frequency: 3 – 7 days working days after setup by performing lab. Instructions: 1 mL Whole Blood...