Test ID: ZG302
CPT code: 80335
Specimen Type: Red nongel
Frequency: Setup: Mon-Sat; analytic time 2 days
Instructions: 1.0mL serum from red nongel only. 0.25mL minimum. Centrifuge within 2 hrs, Refrigerate. Draw at least 12hrs after last dose.
Text: Useful for Monitoring adequacy of blood concentration during therapy.
The test may also be useful to evaluate patient compliance.
Specimens that are obtained from gel tubes are not acceptable.
Components: Z1145 Amitriptyline: Z1146 Nortriptyline; Z1147 Amitriptyline+Nortriptyline
Methodology: Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)