Test ID: ZG487
CPT code: 86612
Specimen Type: SERUM
Frequency: Setup: Mon-Fri; analytic time 2 days
Instructions: 1.0 mL serum from Red or SST. Pour off into plastic vial and refrigerate, min 0.3 mL. Rejected for gross lipemia or hemolysis.
Text: The dimorphic fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis, causes blastomycosis.
When the organism is inhaled, it causes pulmonary disease along with
fever and night sweats. It commonly spreads to the skin, bone, or
internal genitalia where suppuration and granulomas are typical.
Components: Z2673 Blastomyces Ab; Z2674 Blastomyces, CF; Z2675 Blastomyces, ID.
Methodology: EIA