MaterniT21 Plus Core (chr21, 18, 13, sex)

Test ID: ZH463

CPT code: 81420
Specimen Type: Only the Sequenom collection kit PS#116373 can be used for collection.
Frequency: 3-5 days
Instructions: Black-and-tan-top (Streck) tube (whole blood) 10mL, AMB. Min 8mL.
Only the Sequenom collection kit PS#116373 Keep out of direct sunlight.
Text: For pregnancies at increased risk of fetal abnormalities, the MaterniT21 PLUS test delivers a comprehensive NIPT for the analysis of chromosomal regions including trisomies 21, 18, and 13, fetal sex.

Methodology: Cell-free DNA is isolated from the sample and analyzed using massively parallel sequencing technology.

Test Name

AMS Laboratory

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