Test ID: ZG192
Component(s): Z0888 t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA LOINC: 31017-7, Z0889 t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG LOINC: 32998-7
CPT code: 86364
Specimen Type: Red or SST
Frequency: Setup: Mon-Sat; analytic time 1 day
Instructions: 1 mL Serum from Red or SST, Ambient. Min 0.5 mL.
Text: Aids in the diagnosis of gluten-sensitive enteropathy, such as celiac disease. Studies have demonstrated that IgA endomysial antibody tests have >99% specificity for GSE. The inclusion of tTG IgG autoantibodies is important because it is not uncommon for celiac patients to be IgA deficient. Results should be used with clinical findings & other tests.